Dreaming About Starting an Indoor Farm?
Do Business Planning
Are you thinking about starting your own indoor farm? Perhaps a high-tech indoor farm flooded with LED light and advanced climate controls or a modern greenhouse? Are you a community leader hoping to bring fresh vegetables into your neighborhood through an urban farm? We want to help you to clarify your dreams and make that dream a reality. Our business planning service can help you assess your strengths, articulate your vision, map out the possibilities, flesh out your business model, and build a farm.

Business Planning Method
We use a unique planning method that focusses on creativity developed by Stein (2014) called Poietic Transformation (TM). It is the result of years of research and development.
It is composed of four phases:
- Assess
- Visualize
- Organize
- Perform
We use this framework to help you realize your dream of building an indoor farm.

Stein, E. W., Designing Creative High Power Teams and Organizations. Business Expert Press. New York. 2014
Detailed Steps of Methodology
Poietic Transformation
- Prepare
- Assess your strengths and capabilities
- Assess your assets
- What is your dream for the venture?
- What does the farm look like?
- How feasible is the venture?
- Is the business model sound?
- What are the risks?
- What does the design look like?
- What will it take to make this dream a reality?
- Execute the design
- Power test
- Start growing!

Our Expertise
As the leader of this group, I have over 25 years of experience in the analysis of business models, strategy, organizational strengths, leadership and indoor farm operations. We are aided and abetted with software designed to bench-mark indoor farm operations according to the most efficient producers in the industry. Our network of strategic partners augments our in-house knowledge.

Eric W. Stein, Ph.D.
Founder and Executive Director
Dr. Stein has a Ph.D. in business from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and a B.A. in Physics from Amherst College. He is tenured faculty at Penn State and has run an small R&D indoor farm. Eric authored a year-long study of the feasibility of setting a Center of Excellence for Indoor Agriculture.