
We welcome partnerships including but not limited to investment partners, media and marketing partners, research and publishing partners, as well as supply chain partners


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Event and Media Marketing Partners

Agrifood innovation event logo

Become a Marketing Partner

We welcome opportunities to partner with key players in the indoor and vertical farming industry including but not limited to conferences, news sources, consortium, industry associations, universities and leading publications in order to jointly raise visibility and expand networks. Our co-marketing program includes logo placement, email blasts, social media posts and more.

Supply Network Partners

Are you looking for indoor farming equipment or supplies? Are  you looking for service companies and other expertise? Finding the right partner is a key to success. We can direct you to reputable equipment manufacturers, suppliers and solutions providers, as well as financing companies.

Investment Partners

We welcome investment partners to help us accelerate the growth of vertical and indoor farming.  For example, if you want to finance a vertical farm, a training center, or an R&D center, we want to partner with you. Your investment could be the next step toward making indoor farming a model for profitable and sustainable triple bottom line companies that benefit people and the planet.

Thanks to our Founding Partners

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Center of Excellence for Indoor Agriculture