Indoor AgTech Virtual Conference July 23, 2020
Amount: 10% off
Discount Code: COE10
Summary: Dr. Eric W. Stein, Executive Director of the Center of Excellence for Indoor Agriculture, recently spoke at the conference on the role of CEA in supporting the development of acquired resilience for human health. What, When and Where: Academic conference...
Summary: Dr. Eric Stein, Executive Director, Center of Excellence for Indoor Agriculture, moderated a panel on ways CEA companies can save energy in their operations. What, When and Where: Industry conference panel discussion October 1, 2024 CEA Summit East, IALR...
About Indoor Ag-Con and the Virginia Tech-IALR Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) Innovation Center — a partnership between the Institute for Advanced Learning and Research (IALR) and Virginia Tech’s School of Plant and Environmental Sciences and the Virginia...
-What’s the #1 thing you want to learn about greenhouses, vertical farms, hydroponics, and urban farms right now? Reach out to us using our contact page to let us know.